Saturday, February 26, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 4

Day 04 - A picture of your favorite night.
OK, this was more like one of my favorite days of my life. I'm sorry about the picture, but it's the only decent one of the few pics that were taken that day. *

*I apologize in advance because all of the facts are going to be scattered*

Pretty much, this was the day when LIGHT went to a Show Choir Summit in Surprise. It wasn't just LIGHT, but also quite a few other show choirs. We had one day to learn the choreography, and in my case, the music, then we performed it that very night. Three of the top choreographers in the country were there: one of them actually choreographed the Lion King & Tarzan for LIGHT, the other two were gay...

 There was an all-boys number (Wild Things), and there was an all-girls number (Party in the U.S.). The whole group split in half and each half did another number. My half did "Jai Ho" (I loooove that song and I LOVED the choreography! Look it up on my playlist), the other half did "Car Wash".

There are so many more reasons why it was one of my most favorite days, but I'm sure it could get boring, so I'll just leave it at that, haha :)

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