Monday, January 31, 2011


This was hanging on the porch, & it spins by itself! :D
So, this weekend my family and I went to Pinetop & there was SNOW. :D I had so much fun, and I love my family so much! Here are some pics I took of the snow... Hope you like them :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Flip Flops

So, today I did not feel like catching up with my online classes, so I decided to re-make the pink flip flops I got for Girls' Camp a few years ago. When they were first made, there had pretty Hawaiian flowers with a gem as the center of each flower, & I thought they were the cutest things EVER. But then, time went on, and the glue got all gross & some of the flowers came off, making the flip flops, well, not cute! So a little spurt of creativity went off in my brain & I decided to re-decorate them with denim. (I love pink and denim BTW). So ya, I got to work, and I was late for dance because of it. But hey, my dance teacher thought they were cute so I was forgiven.

Before (They looked worse in real life)
AFTER (Sorry about the bad lighting Dx)
Lookie! I even used the sparkly things that were in the center of the old flowers :D

Cuter, yes? (:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

3 Random Pictures

"Peer Into Your Soul"
"The Power of Truth"
"Mourning"  (She's fighting over my leg BTW)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Clumsy Moment

It's been a while since I've posted, but just like everybody else, my body gave in and got sick, so here's something that happened last Monday.

So, there was no school, and I decided to put on a kettle of water for hot chocolate, and watched TV while I was waiting for it to start whistling. After about 5 or 10 minutes, I started wondering why it was taking so long; that was the moment when I took a whiff and realized that something was burning. Having no idea what is was, I jumped up and bolted to the kitchen. Apparently, I accidentally turned on the wrong stove, & coincidentally, there was a carton of eggs sitting on it. It wasn't a very good sight. The carton looked like it was eaten away in the shape an arch, and some egg whites had oozed through the shell and was cooking on the stove. I quickly picked it up and moved it to a completely safe side of the counter.

(Sorry it's sideways) The surviving eggs!
This is not all though. My 6-year-old brother saw it and thought it was on fire because it was a little red on the burnt edges, & what do little kids think to do first when there's a "fire"? Blow on it. So, he started blowing on the carton, and it actually bursts into flames. AHHH!! He courageously kept on blowing in an attempt to put out the flames, but I saved the day by pouring water on it. Pretty good way to start the day if you ask me, haha.

P.S. The whole house smelt horrible after this incident, and the fire alarm went off and scared the dog.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stopping the No Facebook Challenge

Hey, so, I think that's it's good that I've learned to not think about nothing but Facebook this last week. My life is just as insane, and I problably spend almost as much time on Blogger as I do, well did, on Facebook. So ya, I think that this challenge should be postponed until summer vacation because that is when I rely on Facebook for my own entertainment and I pretty much have no life: it will be a lot more challenging. I do feel like having no Facebook for a week has helped me a lot. So ya, I'm going to start over again when summer break starts.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light

No Facebook: Day 7

I have not been on Facebook for one whole week! YAY!!! I think it's been a very sucessful week. There has been a few close calls, but I don't feel like I depend on it, because I'm now starting to actually THINK. My life feels a lot more full. :)

There's nothing much to say about today, but church was amazing. I'm still suprised that I did not fall asleep haha. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, but there is one thing I want to say:
Clean bedroom+The Conference Ensign+Orange Juice+Paul Cardall+Snuggie= Pure tranquility & Happiness :)


Saturday, January 15, 2011

No Facebook: Day 6

Ok, I want to hurry because I need to go win epically at Dance Central. I blame the song "Teach Me How to Jerk"... that's the first song I'm going to do. Then I'm going to try to get a 100% on a certain hip-hop song on hard. Yep, I have a bit of a bad side, haha. ;)

So... today was yet another awesome & productive day. YES! Epic WIN!!!!
As usual, I had so much fun at LIGHT practice, even though my legs are still sore from Thursday. "Pain, loove it." (Name that movie, win a free batch of cookies, your choice) Woah, spaced out a second there... Sorry, I'm in such a good mood right now. LIGHT practice, over. Sadness for leaving because I'm not in the Show Choir with everybody else. BUT when I got home, I was in the mood for doing my chores for once. Ya, you heard (well, read) it. Facebook addict girl feels like doing her chores for once. This girl is no longer addicted to Facebook though, so I guess it's technically Used-to-be-Addicted-to-Facebook Girl now, mahaha.

This is when even more work comes in, which I didn't mind at all, because I'm cleaning in exchange for dance lessons. Every other Saturday, I go clean my dance teachers house for three hours (I charge 5 dollars an hour, she charges $35 a month. You do the math). It was fun!!!! (And this is why cleaning is listed as one of the things I like to do) I don't know why I think it's fun, so don't bother asking.

When I came home, I took the pictures that I posted earlier today, and I played with my baby sister. She was so darn CUTE! AH!
Two years old+peek-a-boo+bob= death by cuteness (not monkeys)
Because she missed our mommy, she started calling me her baby, and kept hiding in my closest pretending to be "going bye-bye". I would start to "cry" and she would come out and say "Don't cry, my baby". I recorded it on video, so maybe I'll put it on here if it's OK with my mom.

THEN I went babysitting for the first time in months. I'm suprised that the girls remembered me; I was the first babysitter they requested for! *feels special* :] I love them, they are so cute. We watched "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakqual" because I have never seen it and they love it, so it all worked out. I like it so much better than the first one. Shocking, because usually the sequals are not as good as the origional. When the movie was over, it was time to put them to bed... I felt bad for not having time to play games with them, so we had a dance party to the credit songs, then we slithered to the staircase, monkey'd up the stairs, and moo'd to their bedroom. I read them a few books with a horrible English accent, then sung "I See the Light" and the "Healing Incantation" from Tangled... Forgot some of the lyrics, but at least they enjoyed it. I was sitting in there for a few minutes when their dad came up the stairs, & the mom took me home. She's with child (AKA pregnant), & it's a boy!!!! :D I didn't even know she was pregnant until tonight. But still, I'm SO excited for her! :D

Ta-da! Having no Facebook in my life is making it better!

take ya picture "flash" written by Andy Gibson and Zoe Smith

I was thinking of music to add to the playlist that's on my Blog, and I was thinking of songs that has to do with pictures, & I remembered this song. Unfortunately, it's not even on iTunes, much less on So, I'm just posting the music video instead :) This girl is one of my sisters friends, and she is amazingly talented. I love this song! :D Enjoy!

It's all about angles

I don't know why, but I had the urge to go outside & take pics of the bouquet that I caught last night, probably because of how pretty it is. Anyways, I decided to just take a bunch of random angles of it, & decide which one looks better. It's one of the things I love about taking pictures: if you take a different angle, it can look completely different. So ya, here they are.

Which one is your favorite?

Friday, January 14, 2011

No Facebook: Day 5

Today was possibly the best day in the longest time! There was like, never one moment when I was slightly bored or waiting around for something awesome to happen. Plus, it's Friday, and there's a three day weekend ahead! :D Ah, I'm just so happy at the moment.

School was so much fun, especially since we took the easiest quiz in Trig, so I have no homework in that class. Yay! I love not having homework :) Then in Intermediate Jewelry, the teacher let me and my table go outside to work on our wax rings so that we could show the 8th graders, who were touring the school, how awesome Jewelry is, because they do not tour any of the art rooms for some strange reason. Then Seminary was just amazing, as usual. We did an activity where we a worksheet with questions to answer on D&C 84 & we switched partners every 8 minutes. Call me a nerd, but I loved it :) Lunch was a lot of fun, too. Well, except for the fact that my younger sister snuck up behind me and scared me, which nearly made me choke on my PB&J.  Then one of my friends sung a song about a racist dragon who wasn't racist anymore when he invented the rainbow. Random, but hilarious; I wish I recorded it on camera. After that, me and a couple of my friends played ninja on the grass. It got intense, at least the guys did. They were doing cartwheels and jumping 10 feet to get somebody (we were playing "elbows down" BTW).

After lunch, I couldn't find my friend who I ususally get a ride home with, so I didn't know what to do because I had to be back at the seminary building at 2:30. So, I went to a friends house nearby and hung out there. Went back to the seminary building, answered a few questions for a video for New Beginnings for my stake (which is why I had to be there. I'm so not looking forward to seeing my face on a huge screen... *shudders*). Went back to my friends house, and we were about to play Mario (I forgot the exact title, but I played it once) when I had to leave... Sad day :'( When I got home, my mom and my younger sister were watching "Hitch", so I watched it with them. I love that movie :)

Me & the Bouquet! :D

 After that was over, I put on a skirt and went to my sister's friend (or my friends' sister, either way is true haha) wedding reception. Now this is where a lot of the fun came in. I saw about 7 of my friends from my old school there, so that just made my day WAY brighter than it already was because it has been forever since I've seen them. I had SO much fun hanging out with them, oh my gosh, I love them all to death. And I caught my second bouquet in a year, yay! But I felt like I cheated, because, being a quarter inch shy of being 6 feet tall, I was the tallest girl there, so when all that I did was stand there, with my arms extended upward, and the bouquet just came to me. I probably stood on my tip-toes, but still, there was no struggle at all. After that, two of my friends were dancing the hustle, and a guy who was in the wedding part asked me to dance. He was SO good! He takes ballroom at college, so he's like profesional. I was horrible at following, but hey, I wasn't very familiar with some of the moves he was doing. When it was time for the newly weds to leave the party, we lit sparklers instead of blowing bubbles. It. Was. AWESOME! Just the custest wedding reception I've ever been to and the cutest couple I've ever seen :')

There is my awesome day, and I hope that yours was awesome too! :) 
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

No Facebook: Day 4

So, Thursday... hmm... busiest day of the week! I'm starting to feel lesser and lesser dependent on Facebook for my social life, not like I don't have one without Facebook. Most of my friends at school don't have Facebook, & a majority of my friends are in LIGHT, so I see them ALL the time! Not a bad thing at all :)
 Also, I'm actually feeling a lot lighter, and happier. I'm considering quitting this early, but then my life is getting better with everyday single day I go without Facebook; I don't want to get back onto Facebook again. Crazy, I know. My advice to you: If you're depressed, don't do Facebook! (How did I come to the decision of doing this? I don't know...)

Today, I actually had more extra time, so I was able to get my bedroom mostly clean. 5 PM came around, and I went to dance, as usual, then LIGHT practice at 6. I did not get home until 9, and because I have been moving for 4 hours straight, my younger sister said, quote: "Ewww you smell horrible! Have you been making out with a skunk?" Close quote. Sooo I jumped in the shower. When I was almost done, though, the water heater decided to stop working, so jump into my shoes for a second and imagine the water being hot one second, then the next it's as cold as the water in Antarctica. Ya, I'm sure you would not be thrilled either. What stinks is that I still had conditioner in my hair, so I flipped my head over & rinsed it out that way. It felt like I was having a major brain freeze!

I watched the news, and it made me sad :(

Fun day :) I'm going to be so sore tomorrow, heh heh...
Oh, the randomness of me! My gosh, I have school tomorrow....
OK, I'm done

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No Facebook: Days 2 & 3

Sorry, yesterday was a very busy day, so I hardly had any time to go on the computer, much less blogger.

Day 3:
So, I have an older sister who's in hygeine school, and sometimes she needs people of a certain age to come in so that she could practice taking x-rays, cleaning teeth, yaddy-yaddy-yadda. Yesterday she and her friend needed to have teens come in that means me and my younger sister. My mom signed us out of school, and we drove the long distance to my sisters' hygeine school. It was just like a normal dental office, but it wasn't as scary as they usually are because I knew that I wasn't getting a shot or anything. Let me just say though, my baby sister was being very entertaining. She would bolt to the drinking fountain, get a drink (soaking herself in the process), bolt to my mom, and repeat the whole thing all over again. It was just adorable, you had to be there.

So ya... after the wait, I was called in, then my younger sister (14 years) followed. I was assigned to my older sisters' friend, and my younger sister went with my older sister. It was a whole three hour process, and the only painful part was when I found out that I have all four wisdom teeth growing in. Yippee!......

We didn't get home until about four. To add onto that, my oldest sister was throwing a bridal shower at our house for her friend, so my mom wanted us kids to get our chores done & pick up the house. When I was done with cleaning and stuff, my mom would not log me onto the computer for reasons that are unknown to me. Since I had an extra hour before I had to go to LIGHT practice, I had nothing to do, so I did some little things that my mom told me to do (She was very sick).

LIGHT practice finally came along, and it was a blast, as usual. We are learning numbers for our new show, and I love it. I say that everybody should see it, because it's going to be even more amazing than it was last semester! :D

I got home, ate some food from the bridal shower, got ready for bed, realized I had chemistry homework due the next day, did a little bit of online schooling, & went to bed.

YAY! Now what I did today...

Day 3: 
Gosh, I haven't really been doing anything interesting since I started laying off of Facebook, but then my days are so full I don't have much extra time... Just wait until the weekend, that's usually when Facebook is the only thing keeping me alive. :]

I came home after lunch and the first worthwhile thing I remember doing was my homework. Fine, I was watching Disney's Cinderella with my baby sister while doing my homework, but still! I'm a huge Disney freak, I can't help it! When I was "doing my homework" I realized something about the majority of Disney's love stories: the couple meets/sees eachother, and BAM they're in love. It reminds me of the part in "Enchanted" when Prince Edward asks for Giselles name and says "We shall be married in the morning!" Prince Charming didn't even know Cinderella's name! But then I guess that brings in the whole "if the slipper fits the girl, she shall be married to the prince" thing & Cinderella is the only maid in the whole kingdom who actually fits the slipper. Without that, it would just kill the awesomeness of the fairytale. I mean, this is my favorite part of the whole movie:
*Evil Stepmother trips short guy who has the glass slipper on a pillow*
*Slipper shatters*
Duke knows that the king is going to kill him because the slipper got broken, so he starts to break down.
(Now the dialogue)
Duke: No, nothing would help. Nothing!
Cinderella: But you see, I have the other slipper *pulls out slipper*
xD I couldn't even describe her face with words.
After homework and movie were over, I went onto the computer, worked on online classes, watched some of my favorite clips from "Tangled" on Youtube, and just chilled for a bit. Ate dinner... went to Roadshow practice for Mutual... came home... got onto Blogger... you know the rest :) Productive day, but I could have done more.
And just for fun, here's a clip from "Tangled" that I watched more than once today. This is seriously one of my most favorite scenes:
Yup, good day(s).I hope you enjoyed reading this ridicuously long post & watching the ridicuously amazing clip :)


Monday, January 10, 2011

No Facebook: Day 1

Well, so far so good... I have not been on Facebook for almost 24 hours. Right now, I don't feel like my day is complete because I have not been on Facebook.Today was soo hard, you have no idea.

A little bit of backround, I am done with school after lunch, and I hope to get a part-time job and I am taking 2 classes online. In the meantime, I go straight home when lunch is over, or right after 4th hour, depending on the day. Now, I always stay for lunch on Mondays & Wednesdays because I am the president of the Ballroom Dance Club at my school, and we have meetings at lunch during those days.

So ya, I didn't get home until about 1:15 PM today, but my ride, and also one of my really good friends, Ryan, stayed until 2. I told him that I am actually laying off of Facebook for the next month, so he decided to do it with me, even though he is only on like 10 minutes when he does get on Facebook. Still, it's the thought that counts :) After I told him, I actually showed him my blog, and he read almost every poem. It was a lot of fun, and it's nice to know that at least one person spent time looking at my blog, even though I was sitting right next to him.

After he left though, that was when the huge challenge started. Today was my first day of school for my online classes. Dun, dun, DUN!!!! (What was that? I don't know...) Anyways, it took forever to get everything figured out, so I didn't actually start on my English stuff until about 3. One of the nice things about online classes is that it has a schedule, like which lesson or assignment has to be done by a certain day, and it not only shows this week- it shows the whole semester. And not to brag or anything, but it's so easy I had a whole weeks worth of lessons and assignments done for English in about an hour.

I started history after that. It was easy too, but it was just plain boring! And what do I do when I'm bored with school work? I go onto Facebook to talk about it on my status and to "take a break from the strenuous schoolwork." Well, eventually I had enough of it, so I went into my room and took a 45 minute nap. I woke up 5 minutes before dinner, but I was so discombobulated (I learned that word from Bolt. hehe), my older brother will most lieky remind me of it everyday for the rest of Eternity.

Oh wow, I had to stop myself from getting onto Facebook just now... (Can I do this? Yes I can! Bob the Builder is being watched at my house too often...) Excuse me and the war I'm having with myself. :)

Well, after dinner and writing three paragraphs of an essay for my online English, I went to the front room for Family Home Evening. We talked about service, and my mom challenged us to do four different acts of service for different people everyday for the next week. I am going to try to do, no I WILL do this challenge, since doing nothing but Facebook in my spare time has brought on the road of being a selfish girl. So, I am going to be doing more service :) I will not be writing about what I do for others on my blog, because I don't think it's ok to boast, I guess you could say, about what I do for others. Plus, I do prefer keeping my service on a very low profile.

So ya, I guess you could say that this was a successful day with no Facebook. :)
Thank you for "following"! *Hint hint*

Sunday, January 9, 2011

No Facebook for an entire month

So, I am one of those people who wastes most of their spare time on Facebook. I never even talk to people (except for a select few), because I think it's awkward talking over Facebook chat, plus Facebook chat is just plain dumb; I'm sure you have experienced it's dumbness, so you know what I'm talking about. :)
When I kill time on Facebook, I usually check what's on the news feed first- comment or like any statuses, pictures, etc. that catches my attention. All the while I keep checking who's online even though I never talk to anybody (it's a habit). Next, I look at my closer friends profiles (BTW, sometimes the page will not load when I type someones name in the search bar, so you know what I do? Go to their profiles by clicking on their name in the "Pokes" box. Clever, much? haha.) I sometimes post stuff on their wall, look at statuses and pictures I didn't see in the News Feed, I'm sure we've all do this. When I'm all done with that, I look at peoples pictures, update my status, maybe even stalk people, I know for a fact that we all have done this at some point. Sometimes I find that I've been on for two hours, so I'd get off, but get back on 15 minutes later.
And you know what? This is not a healthy habit, physically or emotionally. I must admit that I get jealous of how photogenic & popular some of my friends are. I know that I'm pretty, not in a conceited way, but I just want to LOOK like them, if that makes any sense at all. And also I'm not the most out-going person, so I know why I'm not as popular as some people are. Ya, it's very stupid and immature, and I went through all of this before, but it was worse then because it was when a lot of other drama was going on in my life.

So now that you have a little backround as to why I am doing this, here's what I'm going to do this next month:

  • Not go on Facebook
  • Overachieve on priorities (Homework, chores, online classes, church stuff)
  • When things are done, do something fun (ya, I'm a poet ^^)
  • Tell you all about my day without Facebook!

This whole thing will be very intriguing, I'll tell you this now!

(I'll still be posting poetry and photography, don't worry. Oh, and remember those lyrics to a song I wrote a couple posts back? Well, one of my long-time friends is amazing at writing piano arrangements and melodies, so a video will be posted on that. )

Ok, my brain has gotten away from me. I hope that this will be a great & entertaining experience for us all!

Thank you SO much for reading this ridiculously long post! :D