Monday, April 4, 2011

New York: The first Day that was Practically Perfect in Every Way

It is very late on a Monday night, but I have no school tomorrow, so I might as well write a whole post about NY now :)

Bye bye AZ!
    Sooo our flight was suppose to leave from Phoenix at 10:30 PM. I did not really care to talk to people, as I usually go to bed around that time, so my brain was pretty much shut off. Flying is both exciting & terrifying at the same time: You're thousands of feet above the ground, the view is amazing, but then the plane might take a crash landing for whatever reason. No matter what position I put myself in, I could not sleep to save my life. Thankfully, my dear friend Shannon gave me her jacket and I was able to comfortably lean on her (I say this because the armrest was up, & it was poking my side) and fall into a half sleep.
    We landed in Georgia, and because of lack of sleep, I was jumping around and being plain annoying. Ate a lot of yummy food with Amelia & Amanda, then slept in the cold, Georgia airport. I do not remember much of the flight from Georgia to Philadelphia, but then those details don't matter much. All I know is that our plane was late in arriving: 11 AM (not AZ time. Have you ever been so tired, it seems like you're not? I have.)
Spongebob! Leave Kyle alone!
One iPod+3 headphones=happiness
The rest of the day consisted mostly of driving, pit stops, and listening to music. We stopped at the gas station with a Cinnabon, Popeyes', Burger King, & some other restaurant I never heard of. I wanted to just spend $5, so I spent it on a Kids' Meal, and got a Spongebob squirty toy out of it. Man, we had fun with it... Everybody got annoyed with it spitting water in their ears, so he was condemned to my purse for the rest of the trip.

  From what I heard, our hotel was actually in New Jersey. We got there some time before 6 to put our stuff in our rooms, & spiff ourselves up for seeing Mary Poppins on BROADWAY!!!! SQUEE!! We had dinner first, at some place called Dallas BBQ (I know, we're in NY, & we go to some restaurant named after a city in Texas? Come one! The food was yummy though). Ribs, chicken, fries, cornbread. What a grand feast! I was expecting the same with dessert, but we got nothing but teeny, rich, unlawfully delicious brownies.
  The moment arrived to go to Times Square to see Marry Poppins! First impressions of New York was not bad at all by the way. I don't remember seeing any New Yorkers glaring, and I did not hear any yelling except from the vendors. I LOVED NY!!! It's amazing! Anyways, Mary Poppins on Broadway was magical. Literally. It was like a whole household on stage, and to this day I still have no idea how in the world they managed to do the scene changes. I was falling asleep half during the slower parts, but besides that, I was awake. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (hey, I spelt it right the first time!) reminded me of Alice In Wonderland, but Step in Time was AMAZING! Bert walked up the walls and was tap-dancing on the ceiling for crying out loud! And of course, at the very end, Mary Poppins actually flies over the audience (including the nose-bleed section where we sat). The musical was "practically perfect in every way"! I LOVED IT I LOVED IT I LOVED IT

~*~!Picture Time!~*~                                                                                                

Top Left Corner: Dallas BBQ!
Other Top Corner: Me, Abby, Mama Davis, Jamie :) (I love these peeps!)
Bottom Left Corner: Will, Alexis, Jessica (I love these peeps too!)
Picture Not Mentioned Yet: Random trash can outside of the restaurant. I wonder how the police finds out who threw away the TV dinner that was obviously consumed in a household. DNA samples, possibly?

(# Left to Right)
1. Mary Poppins! Originally, we were going to see Lion King, but then the tickets had to go & be expensive :( Oh well, Mary Poppins was still super duper amazing!
2. Me & Amelia (I loves this person!)
3. Asian Connections!! (Amanda. I luff her too!)
4. Yup, that's a legit Mini-Cooper stuck to the wall of a building

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