Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I did something crazy today...

     So, I am way way WAYYY behind in my online classes (Not even halfway done with the work for both classes). Because LIGHT just ended last night, I decided that I suddenly have all of this time to work my rear-end off on finishing these blasted classes.
    BUT I have another commitment that doesn't even require time: Facebook. Yep, I'm addicted to Facebook (again). The sad thing? I'm always waiting for a best friend to get on, or somebody to comment on my status. You know the drill; I waste a lot of time lolly-gagging around. It's pathetic. Which is most likely why I feel like my life is pathetic; I spend all of my time doing pathetic things. But that's not the point I'm trying to get across.
   Sooo today, I would be working on English for 2 minutes, then I would spend 10 minutes on Facebook. Out of the big blue, I called my mom over, covered my face, ducked my head between my legs & told her to change my Facebook password. And she did. Then with one last status change, making sure notification e-mails will no longer be appearing in my inbox, & a little bit of wimpering, I logged off of Facebook for the last time until my online classes are done.
   I feel like a part of me stayed with that little world of social-networking, but I'm confident that it will be able to wiggle itself free. But still, it's like the "No Facebook for a month" all over again...
   But hey, at least I'll have time to finish my ingenius plan for the upcoming 100th post ;)  

Have you ever done something like this?


  1. you are a brave soul. facebook doesn't mean anything to me anymore... it's weird. My mom changed my password (basically the same thing) and after 2 months, i wouldn't even check my notifications on email... it's weird. i hardly go on... it's mostly blogger and tumblr now. which is horrible. but i understand!!

  2. Lucky! I still find myself typing every single time I get on the computer. So, I'm still feeling like something is missing. But hey, I will get over Facebook, just like how you did :) Haha, ya, I'm a little addicted to Blogger. I was considering having my mom change my password to Blogger, but then I decided that was a little overboard :P Oh, BTW, I want to continue the 30 Day Challenge, but I realized that I was getting it from Facebook. Do you still have it?
