Saturday, February 12, 2011

Missionary Week!

Starting tomorrow, the seminary at my school is having missionary week! You know what that means? No Facebook, texting, or Blogger. Yep, it's going to be a little challenge, but I know that it's going to be the best week ever!

Today was nothing but LIGHT and chores. I had to get up to go to practice sooo daaaarn earrrly! Probably caught 4 1/2 Zs of sleep. But the rehearsal went so well, EVERYBODY was happy. I am so close to having all of the choreography down I can do it myself, but as far as vocals go I am behind. The director told us today that when it comes to competition, 60% of it vocals, so I'm determined to get my part down. I took a folder with all of the music home so that I could learn it all.
                                                                     Bask in the glow :)
(We probably won't do the song on the far left, but if we are, I would like to try out for the solo, if there are any try-outs. Sometimes, he just picks someone to do it. UPDATE: Try-outs for the solo on Tuesday after practice! :D)
 As soon as I got home, my mom kept nagging on me to get my chores done. Bathrooms... Not my favorite, but not the worse. We have a total of three bathrooms in the whole household: the girls' bathroom, the boys' bathroom, & the master bathroom. The only one I don't like to clean is the dreaded boys' bathroom... It smells bad, but not so bad you want to gag when you first walk in. BUT the toilet seems to have this chemical reaction with the cleaner that makes it smell worse than Yellowstone Park! It's suprising, because the smell of the cleaner is so strong, you can't help but cough. (Good smell) So ya... I put on a mask whenever I clean the reeking boys' bathroom. Don't believe me? Here's proof:
It doesn't block out the odor all together, but it helps :)
 Long story short, LIGHT did a performance, and it was SOOO much fun! My mom came, and two of her friends who live in the same area where we performed. Then we went to Taco Bell and pretty much discussed the movie "Tangled" on the drive home :) Awesome day :)

See you in a week!

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