Saturday, February 19, 2011

Frying Hot Dogs At Midnight

   Ya, frying hot dogs at midnight is random, but I seriously did it! I was hungry, OK? haha. Welp, I have been looking forward to writing on my blog since Tuesday! :D Seriously, a bazillion things happened this week that are worthy of being posted.
   I'm just going to start by saying that it was not only missionary week, but it was also Spirit week, which is also my favorite week, so just having both of them at the same time was an extra bonus. :)
   (I'm not gonna lie, I feel bad that I couldn't hug any of my guyfriends, because one of them had his birthday on Tuesday, and I was about to hug one whom I have not seen in FOREVER, but realized a second before we got into a full hug that it was missionary week, so I jumped back as if he electrocuted me or something. (Next time I see him, I'm giving him 2 hugs))
  Anyways! When it comes to Spirit week, I am "one of those people" who go full-out all week. So. here are some pics. Feel free to laugh if I look ridiculous, 'cuz I'm laffin' with ya. :)

DAY 1: Cupid Day (Happy Be-lated Singles Awareness day! :D)
 DAY 2: Time Machine! I went as a cave-woman :) 'Twas quite fun! :D It's kind of ironic how I was a cave-woman, & I'm considered as the "Pyro" in my jewelry class... I just like to burn everything, cuz fire is coool! hehe :)

DAY 3: Western Day! (Unfortunately, there are no cowboy boots or hats at my house, so this is how full-out we got Dx)
 DAY 4: Double-Trouble Thursday! Well, technically we went as triplets... Me, my younger sister, and our friend Ryan all wore our BFF T-shirts, nerd glasses, jeans, and black shoes. I did not get a pic of all three of us that day, but at least I got this one (Excuse my dorky face)

DAY 5: Friday was White-Out Day, but I didn't go to school... [post coming soon]

Missionary Week:
I did not get as much out of it as I wanted to, but it's because my life is just insane right now, so I had many other things on my mind... I still feel bad that I didn't get much out of missionary week, though... :/
What was really cool was that we sang "Called to Serve" in a different language every day in seminary. We sang in English on Monday, Spanish on Tuesday, Portuguese on Wednesday, Tongan on Thursday, and I have no idea what language we sang in on Friday. Totally epic :)

~*~NOTE: I apologize for the side-ways-ness of most of the pictures. Blogger is being silly :( ~*~