Friday, February 11, 2011

Bunch of Random Shenanigans (Sillyness)

It's Friday, one of the seven best days of the week :) I'm considering copying what my friend Jeri does, but as of now, no tengo ganas. Well, here are some random shenanigans I've been up to...

    So, I'm in Intermediate Jewelry this semester, therefore it's harder than beginning jewelry. The reason is because we work with WAX first, then metal to make jewelry. It's really not that bad, especially since we get to play with fire. Oh, how I love playing with fire! 8D Today, I officially finished my first legit ring. I had to carve it out of wax first, then do a very complicated process that turns the wax into metal. I have been trying to buff it (make it shiny) ALL week, so I gave up & asked my teacher to put it in the tumbler. I'm so proud of it, I almost don't want to give it to the friend I made it for. :) hehe

"ooh, it's shiny!"

BTW, it said on the instructions to carve your initials on the inside. By the time I found out we didn't have to, it was too late :(

A couple weeks ago, I had the urge to go outside and take pictures of stuff in the garden. To my disbelief, all of the surviving plants from last years garden died... But I found a really cool spiderweb! :D

Also, I discovered a pretty little batch of grass, and it was in the perfect place lighting-wise
What stinks is that when I want to take model pics, the people I usually go to are either not home or don't "look good". (Psh) So, I take some of myself, and my baby sister if she's happy. This time, she was happy :)

Pretty much the cutest pic ever :D

My mom is the best baker I know! Today, she is baking chocolate chip cookies for my ward's roadshow cast party tonight, & she tweaked her recipe a little bit... And holy moly, they are ahhh-mazing! :D
The yummy-goodness baking <3

How's your Friday going?

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