Friday, June 10, 2011


I hope you are not craving doughnuts right now because I am. Actually, not anymore because I had a huge glass of water just now (It works wonders when it comes to getting rid of cravings).

Have you ever had a morning like this?:
So, you are lying in bed early in the morning. You are half asleep, half hearing what is going on around you, but you are mostly conscious (I guess you could say). Then you hear the convos that are going on in the kitchen because some of your family members are getting ready for work (making lunches, eating breakfast). You don't quite comprehend what they are talking about when you hear them say: doughnuts. All of a sudden, you're awake, jumping out of bed and going to the kitchen.
Your mom says good morning while you're looking in the microwave, on the counter, or in the oven for the doughnuts. You mumble "good morning" back and crawl back into bed with the disappointment that there was, in fact, no doughnuts in the house.

Obviously, it didn't happen to you this exact way, but I'm sure something similar has happened to you. Don't worry, I can relate. Have a good day. :) 

1 comment:

  1. um yes. happens all the time! haha!
    hey you should follow muh blog :)
