Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's been an Eternity!

Hey everybody! I'm sorry that I haven't been writing on my Blog lately. The internet has not working at my house so I've been having to go to other peoples houses to work on my online classes, check e-mail, Facebook, etc. & I feel bad for dominating their computers so ya. But the neighbors house I'm currently at has guests over, so I guess it's OK. As of now, the 30 day challenge is going to be paused until the internet starts working at my house again.

In the meantime, I'll just tell you how amazing life is...

First of all, after months of stressing out, I was finally able to get all of the money I need to pay for LIGHT [THANK YOU SOO MUCH, GRANDMA & GRANDPA. FOR THE ZILLIONTH TIME. I LOVE YOU!!! (I doubt they read my blog, but whatevs)] . I will pay them back via a super duper fantabulous fundraiser. (More details to come).

I have to say, I am super duper excited to go to competition! Oh, did I tell you where we're going??? NEW YORK, BABY! I am SO darn excited I can't even express my excitement through words. We leave 8:30 on Tuesday night, so just a couple of short days. This is going to be my first time ever going to New York! And my first time ever seeing a Broadway musical! We're going to be seeing Mary Poppins on Wednesday! I'm not sure what we're going to be doing the whole, but I also know that we're going to do baptisms for the dead in the Manhattan Temple. You know what's weird about that? The temple is INSIDE a building! Seriously, it's going to be so cool! I believe that we're going to Ellis island sometime before Saturday, which is competition day!! :D I have to say, our show is pretty awesome. We've worked so hard to get it the way it is, it's ridiculous. You should seriously come to our big show that's in April, because we're going to be doing our competition numbers then, so you'll get a chance to see what I mean. Just ask me about more details :) SQUEEEE!!!! :D

On another note, I have had quite the blonde moment today. So, when I got home from church today, I decided to make myself freshly squeezed OJ. I went through the whole process of squeezing the oranges and stuff, and decided that I wanted it to be pulp-free. So I did what normal people do: grab the mini strainer and pour the whole thing. Without thinking, I poured the juice into the strainer over the sink with no container underneath, so I pretty much poured the juice that I wanted to drink into the drain and had nothing but the pulp left. I think it made a good laugh, but I'm still a bit depressed that I didn't have the freshly squeezed OJ I've been looking forward to.



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