Sorry, yesterday was a very busy day, so I hardly had any time to go on the computer, much less blogger.
Day 3:
So, I have an older sister who's in hygeine school, and sometimes she needs people of a certain age to come in so that she could practice taking x-rays, cleaning teeth, yaddy-yaddy-yadda. Yesterday she and her friend needed to have teens come in that means me and my younger sister. My mom signed us out of school, and we drove the long distance to my sisters' hygeine school. It was just like a normal dental office, but it wasn't as scary as they usually are because I knew that I wasn't getting a shot or anything. Let me just say though, my baby sister was being very entertaining. She would bolt to the drinking fountain, get a drink (soaking herself in the process), bolt to my mom, and repeat the whole thing all over again. It was just adorable, you had to be there.
So ya... after the wait, I was called in, then my younger sister (14 years) followed. I was assigned to my older sisters' friend, and my younger sister went with my older sister. It was a whole three hour process, and the only painful part was when I found out that I have all four wisdom teeth growing in. Yippee!......
Day 3:
So, I have an older sister who's in hygeine school, and sometimes she needs people of a certain age to come in so that she could practice taking x-rays, cleaning teeth, yaddy-yaddy-yadda. Yesterday she and her friend needed to have teens come in that means me and my younger sister. My mom signed us out of school, and we drove the long distance to my sisters' hygeine school. It was just like a normal dental office, but it wasn't as scary as they usually are because I knew that I wasn't getting a shot or anything. Let me just say though, my baby sister was being very entertaining. She would bolt to the drinking fountain, get a drink (soaking herself in the process), bolt to my mom, and repeat the whole thing all over again. It was just adorable, you had to be there.
So ya... after the wait, I was called in, then my younger sister (14 years) followed. I was assigned to my older sisters' friend, and my younger sister went with my older sister. It was a whole three hour process, and the only painful part was when I found out that I have all four wisdom teeth growing in. Yippee!......
We didn't get home until about four. To add onto that, my oldest sister was throwing a bridal shower at our house for her friend, so my mom wanted us kids to get our chores done & pick up the house. When I was done with cleaning and stuff, my mom would not log me onto the computer for reasons that are unknown to me. Since I had an extra hour before I had to go to LIGHT practice, I had nothing to do, so I did some little things that my mom told me to do (She was very sick).
LIGHT practice finally came along, and it was a blast, as usual. We are learning numbers for our new show, and I love it. I say that everybody should see it, because it's going to be even more amazing than it was last semester! :D
I got home, ate some food from the bridal shower, got ready for bed, realized I had chemistry homework due the next day, did a little bit of online schooling, & went to bed.
YAY! Now what I did today...
Day 3:
Gosh, I haven't really been doing anything interesting since I started laying off of Facebook, but then my days are so full I don't have much extra time... Just wait until the weekend, that's usually when Facebook is the only thing keeping me alive. :]
Gosh, I haven't really been doing anything interesting since I started laying off of Facebook, but then my days are so full I don't have much extra time... Just wait until the weekend, that's usually when Facebook is the only thing keeping me alive. :]
I came home after lunch and the first worthwhile thing I remember doing was my homework. Fine, I was watching Disney's Cinderella with my baby sister while doing my homework, but still! I'm a huge Disney freak, I can't help it! When I was "doing my homework" I realized something about the majority of Disney's love stories: the couple meets/sees eachother, and BAM they're in love. It reminds me of the part in "Enchanted" when Prince Edward asks for Giselles name and says "We shall be married in the morning!" Prince Charming didn't even know Cinderella's name! But then I guess that brings in the whole "if the slipper fits the girl, she shall be married to the prince" thing & Cinderella is the only maid in the whole kingdom who actually fits the slipper. Without that, it would just kill the awesomeness of the fairytale. I mean, this is my favorite part of the whole movie:
*Evil Stepmother trips short guy who has the glass slipper on a pillow*
*Slipper shatters*
Duke knows that the king is going to kill him because the slipper got broken, so he starts to break down.
(Now the dialogue)
Duke: No, nothing would help. Nothing!
Cinderella: But you see, I have the other slipper *pulls out slipper*
*Evil Stepmother trips short guy who has the glass slipper on a pillow*
*Slipper shatters*
Duke knows that the king is going to kill him because the slipper got broken, so he starts to break down.
(Now the dialogue)
Duke: No, nothing would help. Nothing!
Cinderella: But you see, I have the other slipper *pulls out slipper*

xD I couldn't even describe her face with words.
After homework and movie were over, I went onto the computer, worked on online classes, watched some of my favorite clips from "Tangled" on Youtube, and just chilled for a bit. Ate dinner... went to Roadshow practice for Mutual... came home... got onto Blogger... you know the rest :) Productive day, but I could have done more.
And just for fun, here's a clip from "Tangled" that I watched more than once today. This is seriously one of my most favorite scenes:
Yup, good day(s).I hope you enjoyed reading this ridicuously long post & watching the ridicuously amazing clip :)
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